Kerry MB, Clinical Psychologist

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Kerry interviews Patrick Harrington, co-founder of Kindness Yoga

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Recently I interviewed Patrick Harrington, cofounder of @kindnessyoga, about leading in uncertain times. This was incredibly fun. I was nervous and intimidated to talk with Patrick, was inspired by his commitment and clarity of using kindness as his guiding way of being in the world, and loved his examples of being vulnerable as the first step to gaining wisdom and support from others.

Interviewing and being brave

I do wish I had noted the strong emotion he seemed to experience while talking about bankruptcy, I think it could have led to an even deeper conversation. For me, I think it's a good example of how when I’m nervous or scared, I can stay at the surface, not ask the hard or brave question, and cheat us out of the potential for richer connection and conversation.

Be brave Kerry!!! There is nothing to lose.

My favorite business insights from Patrick:

- have a "do list" and a "be list" (how do you want to be, or show up, in the world)

- have clarity on your guiding principles of your business and double down on those in these uncertain times (e.g. Kindness for Kindness Yoga)

- if you are struggling, the first step is to be vulnerable, acknowledge things are hard, and ask for help. Patrick gives the example of asking for advice from friends who had experience filing for bankruptcy.

- this time of pressure can lead to great innovation and kill procrastination. He shared that two of Kindness' new offerings, a coaching academy and online classes, have been ideas in the work for over a year but this new reality kicked everything into gear.