Posts in Buddhism
Mind Wandering and Why You're Not Happy

It’s hard. I get it. There’s a ton swirling around. Alerts, buzzes, new emails, people who want something from you. It can feel like you’re just in a circus spinning plates and juggling knives. And change begins with just one small step. Anne Lammott writes about a friend who committed to just one moment of awareness each day of her new baby’s life. She knew there wouldn’t be time for meditation. She wouldn’t have energy or space. But she defined her own success as one small second - a moment sitting on the edge or the bed or the bath or while rocking the baby. Just a breath in and out. You can do it. We can do it. Slowly slowly.

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What Convinced Me to Start Advocating For Meditation

After a 30 day streak of daily meditation, this month reminded me that meditation may be one of the easiest and cheapest paths to mastering yourself and thus your life. After a month of meditating every day, I am calmer, slower, and happier. Who I am this month is much closer to the person I want to be. Who I am this month is much closer to the person I want people to remember at my funeral.

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What You're Missing Right Now (It's A Gorilla): Selective Attention and Celebrating Crisis

TL;DR Zen story to illustrate we categorize events as good or bad but life proves us wrong either way. I lost my voice and used the opportunity to hug a crisis. Sometimes this is when we are most alive. Here’s to the juicy middle space - here’s to stepping back from the frame of a nervous mind to take in all the details.

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