Posts in growth
I'm worried about the therapists but I know they can save themselves

To all the therapists and other invisible front line workers who are deteriorating behind the science, there is another way, a way to fall in love with your work again. There is a way to do our heart’s work without breaking our own heart in the process. There is a way to do sacred, good, hard work that sits with tragedy (not alone with white knuckles) but with and in celebration of all of humanity.

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How do we cultivate the wise, calm part of ourselves?

I happen to be stuck in confusion right now about the best way to move forward on a professional decision and thought this might be a nice opportunity to showcase a writing exercise I would assign to a client. The assignment is to write a conversation between aspects of yourself, typically the scared or stuck self is talking to and asking advice from the part of you that feels more solid, grounded, and anchored in success (this could be a role or job you have in life where you feels more seasoned and confident such as mentor, teacher, older brother, or best friend).

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